The report is comprising of the different activities the p.7 pupils together with their teachers participated in from Murchison national park.
On 3rd October 2019 the Bus started the journey to Murchison Falls NP very early and reached Paraa Centre at 8.30am. They used two boats for the boat ride 17 kms to the falls. The tour guides really educated the children on the different types of animals and birds that stay in and around water. The guides explained the types of vegetation, landforms and the wonders of river Nile as well as the economic importance of the Nile River and the Park as a whole to Uganda and the districts surrounding the Park.
The team returned to the Centre and took breakfast at 11:00am on the southern part of the Nile. After breakfast the bus left for the top of the falls at 11:45 am. Everyone enjoyed seeing the falls and the surrounding vegetation and the historical sites where the Luo from the Northern Acholi Area and Sir Samuel Baker crossed the Nile from.
The Bus left the top of the falls at 1:20pm to try to catch up with the Ferry crossing schedules at 2:00pm to the Northern side of the Nile. The team settled down for Lunch and refreshment. The children enjoyed the company of warthogs and taking photos with them while they were grazing in the compound and at the shore of the river.
At 3:30pm they went for game drive accompanied by one game ranger (Tour guide).
During the game drive children were able to see variety of animal species, ranging from buffalos, giraffes, antelopes, elephants, baboons, Waterbucks, Uganda Kobs, and variety of bird species including Crested Cranes. The tour guide explained a lot about the life styles of all the variety of the animals, their life span, gestation period, and their social organization.
The children were able to see the Pakuba Airstrip and drove close to where the River Nile leaves Lake Albert on its way to Pakwach. The children also learnt that River Nile changes its name to Albert Nile after leaving Lake Albert.
Fishing on small scale was observed by the children in River Nile.
The tour guide also showed the children the original site where Gulu town was first set up before the serious outbreak of sleeping sickness caused by tsetse flies. The Colonial British then shifted to present place of Gulu town.
They reached the gate at 5:25pm and went to Pakwach town for refueling the bus and giving an opportunity to the children to view Pakwach bridge and town. The journey to Gulu started at 6:15pm and reached safely at St. Mauritz Primary School at 8:40pm.
Finally, we would like to thank our friends from Germany for supporting this annual event which is for learning and exposure purpose for the pupils of St. Mauritz Primary School. Special appreciation goes to Ruth Baumeister and all friends. We cannot forget our Parish Priest for all his support as well as the Project Officer for all the arrangement together with the School Administration and teachers, parents of the candidates and candidates themselves.