The agriculture sector is considered as the backbone of Uganda’s economy. Agriculture for sustainable development project was initiated in 2019 out of the need of food by the local community in obiya palaro during the difficult time of COVID-19 and to benefit the school going children, staff working in Obiya Palaro Project.
Before the Project started, through the help of Diocese of Munster and Uganda- Hilfe St. Mauritz. e.V. we managed to distribute food items and basic needs to the needy community within Obiya and other villages under the Parish Administration. The food items and basic needs helped them for some good weeks and they requested for more help.
For sustainability of the project, we decided to grow food crops like maize, beans which will benefit the entire community of obiya palaro and we thank our partners for accepting to buy for us acres of land for growing the crops for consumption and investment purpose for the development of the project.
During planting and weeding, hand hoes are the only tools used of which it requires much manual labor, hence high labor cost. But normally this is the practice in our farms if there is no mechanization in agriculture since it is much expensive also.
Harvesting of crops already starting since the dry season is soon approaching. We managed to harvest beans and this will help in the school going children if schools reopen next year, staff working in obiya project and not forgetting the needy community of obiya palaro. They will taste the yields from our farm.
We continue to thank all our partners for supporting us to ensure that our projects are succesful. we also weclome wellwishers who would wish you support our projects especially in agriculture, health center, education in Nursery and Primary schools and library, needy support in the community and other social projects. May God bless you all.
Written by
Amito kevin
Project officer
St. Mauritz Obiya Palaro Gulu.

Maize garden in St. Mauritz Farm

Christine, Maria, Julia and Leonie participated beans harvesting in Obiya Farm.

Sorting beans in the sack for storage.

Beans packed in the bags.